A large research intensive HEI that is undertaking a range of widening access work as part of its Access and Participation plan. This work includes summer schools, mentoring, information sessions and in schools and activities with parents. This work covers attainment raising and information, advice and guidance related to HE progression. The focus of activities is with a broad range of learners pre 16 and then with learners from high attaining backgrounds at 16 onwards. The HEI is also undertaking a project that is working with a cohort of learners from year 10 to HE entry in partnership with 4 other universities.
This is a government funded collaborative regional network of 20 HE providers, 200 schools/colleges and over 30 other/community based providers of pre HE learning with older/mature learners. The aim of the network is to support increased progression of learners under 19 from lower socio-economic groups (i.e. low participation neighbourhood/FSM/, looked after children, those with disabilities and all learners over 21. The network undertakes a wide range of distinct, different activities given the spread of its remit. These are in the main though sustained programmes of ‘outreach’ work with a minimum of 20 hours contact time for each learner.
A large multi-faculty HEI ‘mid’ tariff institution which has a relatively strong record on widening access into HE as measured by POLAR metrics, disabled students and mature students. The HEI has brought together its work in outreach, and retention and success (ie. closing attainment gaps between students) work under one directorate. It undertakes outreach work mainly with partner schools/colleges in its local area. Its retention work is focused on offering additional support for targeted groups of learners in year 1, using data to better identify those at risk of non-continuation and funding a range of departmental/faculty led projects which aim to pilot different forms of teaching and learning.
A small, specialist provider is focusing on developing both its outreach, retention and success work in order to fulfil the requirements from the Office for Students in the delivery of its Access and Participation Plan. It is undertaking focused outreach work with a small group of learners in its specialist disciplines at Level 3 as well as outreach work with over 30 schools in its local area at year 9. A priority for the provider is to build relationships with its local schools and colleges as it develops its outreach work.