Monitoring and Evaluation
Members of our partnership are required to report to government agencies on the types of activities they deliver, the numbers of young people taking part, and in particular the number of widening participation students involved.
We collect this information two ways:
- Activity Proformas– are completed by the activity organiser. They contain detailed information about the intervention including, type, category, school/college involved, year group of students, numbers of students etc.
- Data Collection Forms– are completed by the parents or carers (if the pupil is under 16), or the student themselves (post-16 or mature). They ask for the following information: name, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, disability, postcode, parent/carer experience of higher education, looked after children status, young adult carer status and school/college/training provider
The information received is stored securely on a web-enabled Monitoring and Evaluation Database which serves as a central information, access and storage point of widening participation outreach activities and their participants for our members across the Midlands region.
The database enables us to ensure that the right students have been selected for activities and report this information to government agencies, as well as monitor outreach participants to examine the impact of WP activities and whether interventions have contributed towards student attainment and progression routes.
Examples of the reports we produce from the data you provide can be found on theĀ Research Pages.
We may also collect evidence of the impact of WP interventions through the completion of evaluation forms given to participants at the end of an activity.
We would be grateful to schools and parents/carers to ensure that, where possible and appropriate, that data collection forms for interventions organised and run by any of our partners are completed and returned prior to the activity taking place.
If you wish to update your information or communications preferences at any time, please complete our Update Your Details Form
In order to be able to collect, process, analyse and share data we are required to operate within data protection legislation and provide evidence of the ways in which we do this. Further details can be found here.
If you do have any questions or would like any further information about our monitoring and evaluation practice and procedures, please do not hesitate to contact EMWPREP using the links below.