
Please click below to access reports undertaken by EMWPREP.

Database Reports:
This section houses current end of year partner institution reports. These reports contain the findings from analysis of data extracted from the EMWPREP Monitoring & Evaluation Database. The reports are split into 2 sections.

Section 1 analyses are based on data collected on activities which took place during specific academic years (and previous years, where appropriate for comparative purposes). Analysis explores activities and participants by amount, funding stream, category, HEFCE core activity, activity types and year groups.

Section 2 analyses are based on data collected on participants of activities which have taken place during specific academic years (and previous years, where appropriate for comparative purposes). Only those activities and participants that were stored on the database are included in the analyses.

Specific Evaluation Reports:
Reports in this section contain the findings from partner institution bespoke evaluations which can include the analyses of focus groups with young people taking part in outreach activities and interviews with teaching professionals and other key stakeholders. They are also likely to include the analysis of bespoke participant questionnaires.

Data Reports:

Reports in this section are based on external datasets.

This section contains conference presentations delivered by EMWPREP.